Comments for ? ypt-400 / vista: is a specific driver needed?

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Mar 27, 2013
Drivers for ypt 400
by: Anonymous

The psr-403 is the same model keyboard. only difference is on yamaha's website, you can't download a working driver for the ypt-400 model, i've had this problem on windows xp-32 bit, but if you download the latest driver for the psr-e403 model it should work. they only offer a windows 98-ME edition of the drivers for ypt 400, no idea why, it's a pain. ypt-400 model is much newer than windows ME. it makes no sense at all.

Sep 18, 2009
Accessory CD for YPT 400
by: Alfred

Dear Rob: Since my post of Aug.1,re the driver, Google Yamaha's Parts Dept. and phone order Part # X 722 5A00. They accept major credit cards. Post a message to let other members and me know how you make out. Thanks.

Aug 01, 2009
YPT 400 Driver
by: Alfred

Dear Rob: I believe you are referring to the "Accessory CD ROM" which normally accompanies this keyboard. It will be difficult, but see if you can find it on Ebay. Good luck!

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